Michalle Gould earned an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and a Masters of Science in Information Science from the University of Texas-Austin. Her first full-length collection of poetry, “Resurrection Party,” was published by Silver Birch Press and a finalist for the Writers League of Texas Book Awards. Her work has appeared in Poetry, Slate, New England Review, The Texas Observer, The Toast, The Nervous Breakdown, The Awl, and others. Her poem “How Not To Need Resurrection” was featured on Poetry Daily and Verse Daily and adapted into a short film for the Motionpoems webseries (www.motionpoems.com). She has worked as a librarian at the Art Institute of Hollywood and is now the Library Director of the Laguna College of Art + Design. Her research interests include information literacy generally and in the context of social media. She has written about the interface between her work as a librarian and as a writer in an essay called “You Must Like To Read.”